
Lifting of ban on indoor politics

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

THE lifting of the embargo on indoor politics is a pro-active move by the caretaker government (CG) to facilitate the holding of general election by late 2008. Chief Adviser Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed through an address to the nation over the electronic media reiterated last Sunday the clear intention of the caretaker government to hand over power to the elected representatives within the stipulated time after holding free, fair and credible general election before December 2008. Hopefully, the political parties will now have opportunities to hold discussions with the Election Commission (EC) on matters relating to the next general election. They will require to extend all possible cooperation to the EC that has already been recast and reorganised. The EC is now independent of the executive branch of government. It is preparing voters' list with photographs and also national identity (ID) cards. We will express the hope that all these prosperity works for holding the election would be completed in time.
Meanwhile, we will urge the caretaker government to take up appropriate steps at the earliest for completing the basic institutional reforms. If the basics for such reforms are not put in place and implemented in earnest, the ultimate goal of the present CG not only to hold a peaceful election but also to give democracy a permanent shape will be difficult to achieve. We do all agree that democracy is the best way to ensure human emancipation and achieve progress. Hence, institutional reforms are important so that democracy promotes good governance in essence.

Jahangir Hossain
Dilu Road, Moghbazar, Dhaka.