
Loose tea buyers very selective

Thursday, 4 October 2018

The local tea auction market saw on Tuesday the largest sale so far in the season as Blenders operated in usual strength, said the National Brokers Limited in a statement.
However, one of the major Blender was much less active which resulted in progressive decline of the market.
Loose tea buyers were very selective.
Dusts sold well.
CTC LEAF: 45,286 packages of Current Season and 31 packages of Old Season teas on offer met with strong demand but at progressively easier rates.
BROKENS: Good and Medium Brokens met with a strong demand and were initially Tk 4-5 easier. But as the sale progressed, prices declined often by up to Tk 10.
Plainer types, however, met with much less demand and eased by up to Tk 15 and more.
There were substantial withdrawals in this category.
FANNINGS: All good and medium Fannings met with strong demand but prices gradually dropped by Tk 8-12, compared to previous rates.
Plainer sorts saw a much easier market with several withdrawals.
CTC DIJST: 9,707 packages of Current Season and 90 packages of Old Season teas on offer met with good demand.
Good liquoring varieties were fully firm to slightly dearer.
Medium teas sold at irregular rates. Plainer Liquoring teas generally were steady to occasionally lower up to Tk 5.0 on fair withdrawals. Blenders lent strong support with fair interest from Loose tea buyers.