
Love begets love

Md. Abdullah Al Helal | Wednesday, 4 March 2015

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do". This was said by Martin Luther King, Jr. who led the civil rights movement in the United States from the mid-fifties of the last century, until he was assassinated in 1968. The words represent universal truth and reality. A fundamental truth of the universe was unmistakably echoed by Martin Luther King and echoed the feelings of millions around the world.
Love is a combination of devotion, tolerance, sympathy, kindness, affection, honour, worship and peace that provide us with the inspiration to survive. The above quote tells us that hate cannot be driven away by hate. While the analogy breaks down a little with hate not being exactly equal to the absence of love, the premise is spot on.
History also confirms that hate begets hate. Abhorrence cannot build a peaceful society, only love can. Similarly, while peaceful relationship among the citizens upholds the image a country and enhances its sustainability, hatred makes it fragile.
The above mentioned quote is quite relevant to our present political situation. Needless to say, one group in this country is trying to gain the upper hand by adopting the path of violence, while another group is trying to control the violence by use of force. But it is clear that neither violence nor a policy of force can bring about a sustainable solution which is impossible without tolerance, kindness or love.
Prophet Muhammad (SM) taught how hatred and enmity can be removed through love. As is known, an elderly woman who had a habit of laying thorns on the road the Prophet used to pass by. One day when the Prophet was passing by, he was surprised to see that there was no thorn laid on the road. He stopped and asked about the woman and came to know that she was sick. He went to visit the woman who thought that the Prophet had come to take his revenge. But the Prophet told her that he had come to see her and enquire if she needed anything. The old woman was greatly moved by this kindness and love of the Prophet.
In the end, love is the best and most effective method to resolve peacefully any matter, big or small, political of social. So, in case of conflicts, politicians must develope a method that speaks of love and rejects hate, aggression and retaliation.
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