
Low-price green malta attracts consumers

OUR CORRESPONDENT | Monday, 23 September 2024

KHULNA, Sept 22: Locally-produced green malta fruit is being sold at a low price at Tk 60 to 70 per kg in fruit shops and vans on the streets of the capital.
The green malta is attracting common consumers due to its low prices. Besides, it is so beautiful and sweet fruit which has nutritional value.
Meanwhile, foreign yellow malts are being sold in the market at high prices from Tk 250 to Tk 300 per kg.
The sellers said the local malt has a high demand among buyers.
Sources at the Khulna Agriculture Office said a lot of the local green malta is being produced in Batiaghata and Dumuria of Khulna district and Meherpur district.
However, most of the malta seen at the retail level in Khulna are coming from Pirojpur and its nearby areas under Barishal division.
Talking to a consumer, Masum Hossain, he said high temperature was prevailing in this area for the last few days for this reason there is no alternative to eating the green malta as its price is affordable.
Besides, the price is reasonable at only Tk 60 per kg while foreign yellow malta is being sold at Tk 250 per kg. In addition, green malta is sweet to eat and vitamin-C can be fulfilled for the body.
A buyer, Ashrafur Rahman, echoed the same voice. "Our locally-produced malta is tastier than foreign malta. Besides, there is a risk of formalin in foreign malta. Why should I buy foreign malta for several times the price? Besides, the nutrition is the same."
Retailer Haider Ali said, "I buy things from the kitchen market of Khulna Sonadanga truck terminal. I bought 1500 kg of malta at Tk 50 per kg on Saturday. I sold more than 500 kg of malta. The same buyers are also buying the taste and nutrition of these local malta at low prices."
In this regard, Deputy Director of Khulna Agriculture Office Md Jahangir said this green malta is being produced a little less in the region. "Already we are cultivating this malta in several places including Batiaghata and Dumuria of Khulna district."
Khulna Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr Sheikh Mohammad Kamal Hossain said that green malta increases the immune system of human body. Foreign yellow malta and green malta have the same nutrients.
Besides, the fruit is very helpful for people suffering from anemia. It contains vitamin-C which is very beneficial for the human body.
However, it is only harmful for patients with kidney disease. In addition, malta contains a type of fiber called pectin, which helps prevent colon cancer. At present, the fruit has become quite popular in the country.

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