
Mahi Chy resigns from LDP presidium

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) presidium member and organising secretary Mahi B Chowdhury resigned from both the executive posts, under the wind of democratic reforms of political parties blowing nowadays, report agencies.
For now, Mahi will be continuing with the LDP as primary member. He submitted his resignation letter Monday morning to the party President AQM Badruddoza Chowd-hury, who happens to be his father. He showed a number of reasons, including the need for creating scope for inner-party democratic practice.
His step came in the wake of political reforms launched under the rule of the current caretaker government, as the past political culture tainted by "dynastic" preferences created a crisis in the country.
Describing his role in forming Bikalpadhara Bangladesh (BDB) and then the LDP, he said in his resignation letter: "LDP was formed with the aim of healthy politics, but it had not been achieved in the last eight months for various reasons."
Mahi made a frank admission that he did not acquire his posts of presidium member and organising secretary in the party in a democratic way, as expected by the people.
"As my posts of presidium member and organising secretary of the National Executive Committee were not elected ones, rather nominated posts, and as an environment has been created in the country in favour of democratic culture, so I feel embarrassed in speaking on practice of democracy in the party."
He also added, " All the positions in LDP are still nominated, not elected."
He expressed the hope the senior members of the presidium and the National Executive Committee would follow him "to set an example for us and all political parties of the country by taking democratic steps from their respective positions in support of democracy."