Letters to the Editor
Making document attestation digital
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Attestation or verification of copies of various documents is an old practice in Bangladesh. From students to job seekers, everyone needs to get their necessary documents attested by an authorised person. There was a time when attestation was compulsory for various types of work. At that time, only first-class gazetted officers could attest the documents. From educational certificates to passport application forms, it was compulsory. Later, the government relaxed the attestation process by allowing non-government officials like newspaper editors to attest documents. The government also withdrew compulsory attestation in many areas. Still, attestation of documents is required for government job seekers and different kinds of work and services.
There is, however, a good piece of news that the government is thinking about doing away with the practice of compulsory attestation for job seekers. State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain said that attesting of applications or documents for government jobs will no longer be needed in the future. Instead, the verification will be done online as much information has already been digitalised. It is definitely a good move. The government now needs to make the process faster.
Babul Das