
Letters to the Editor

Making medicines affordable

Saturday, 10 August 2024

It is frustrating that, amidst serious financial hardships faced by ordinary people due to the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, drug companies are arbitrarily raising prices of life-saving drugs. This is like adding insult to injury when consumers are paying exorbitant prices.
Non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions, are highly prevalent in Bangladesh. These common health issues affect millions of people, requiring daily doses of life-saving medication. The steep cost of these medications may force people to discontinue their treatment, leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore, the Directorate General of Drug Administration must take necessary measures to ensure that medicine prices remain affordable for the general public.
Pharmaceutical companies have raised prices of commonly prescribed medicines by up to 75 per cent, exacerbating the plight of consumers. The exorbitant prices of medicines are disproportionately affecting poor patients, making their lives increasingly difficult.
Despite out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure in Bangladesh being one of the highest in the region. It is high time for the new interim government and all relevant stakeholders to address this issue and intensify efforts to make healthcare accessible and affordable for all.

Apurba Das
Student, Faujdarhat Cadet College
[email protected]