
Many advantages of waking up early to study

M A Islam | Sunday, 15 March 2009

IN today's age of cell phone, Internet, satellite channels and many other attractions to keep oneself busy, it has been very usual for students to keep late hours at night. Also, in university dormitories in Bangladesh, it has been a tradition that only a small portion of the students wake up early in the morning, many students regard it fashionable to study late hours in the night and wake up late in the morning-at 8 am, 9 am or even 10 am.

There are many advantages of waking early in the morning which students in general seem not to realise and follow.

When you wake up early in the morning, you get a longer day. You can plan your works very smoothly and can try to follow your routine. If, on the other hand, you wake up late, it might be difficult for you to work in due order.

When you rise early, you get enough time for exercise and meditation-you get better stamina and that way you can stretch the day longer.

I am sure that many of you have already tried to rise early in the morning. Just in case you have failed, the following tips might be helpful for you.

First, convince yourself why you need to wake up early in the morning. Visualise the benefits you are going to derive through rising early. Imagine how early rising has changed your study habit and over-all life style towards positive direction. When your brain will think in such a positive manner, it will be easier for you to leave the bed in the early hours of the day.

Second, whenever you go to bed, rise at a fixed time at early hours everyday. If, for example, you can continually rise at 5 am everyday for a few days, this will be your habit to wake up at that time for the whole year.

Third, keep some very interesting activities scheduled for the early morning. Interesting activities might include prayers, exercise, games or reading an interesting course/subject/chapter.

Fourth, if you are in university dormitory, you can form a circle of friends who are interested in waking up early. Members of the circle can help each other in waking up. Together you can go for exercise or you can hold some group discussions/group studies. Such a practice might be very stimulating for you to wake up early in the morning.