

Master counterfeiters and online training they offer

Neil Ray | Monday, 19 February 2024

So long news of manufacturing counterfeit currency notes has made the rounds. The dens of counterfeiters are also busted by law enforcement agencies from time to time. But this time the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) unit of Jatrabari, according to a report carried in a Bangla contemporary, has unearthed something special on top of counterfeit currency notes, manufacturing equipment and the computer used for the purpose. This special discovery concerns the production line of counterfeiters and the information of technologies and source of equipment along with lessons on supply channels of the fake notes produced.
According to the admission of a counterfeiter the RAB arrested with fake currency notes and equipment, there is an expert gang which is giving specialised online training on the most suitable technology, skill and equipment. It is using You Tube, facebook and messenger for training up amenable counterfeiters. The criminal gang has its page and group for promotion of the underworld activity.
What the arrested youth of 19 years old disclosed seems to be quite convincing. Dens of counterfeiters are busted time and again but yet there is no end to the counterfeiting practice. This youth received online training and became adept in making the illegal but facsimile currency notes. At the time of his arrest, he had in his possession counterfeit notes valued at Tk 230,900 of different denominations. So far, according to his own admission, he has successfully injected Tk20 million in to the marketing system.
Now this is dangerous. Who knows how many like him have received this nefarious training and attained skill in the black art! Since the gang responsible for teaching the art has been doing it is yet to be nabbed, the number of trained counterfeiters is unknown. Presumably, the gang has used false ID and other particulars in order to go online. One thing is clear that the gang members possess enough evil genius to do the job and they have taken as much precaution as possible to avoid identification and their location. Or, it is unimaginable to think of using social sites for what can be called institutionalisation of this anti-state activity. They know about the risk but are smart enough to have evaded any suspicion of their illegal performance.
That anyone can think of imparting lessons on counterfeiting is itself something out of the box. There is hardly any doubt that the gang members are master of the art of counterfeiting. They perhaps wanted to avoid risks of doing counterfeiting themselves. If they introduced training course online, they thought, there would be a steady supply of their disciples who would learn the black art for a fee. This would allow them to conduct the training course from a safe distance and have a sure source of income.
Indeed the criminals stay a few steps ahead of the law enforcement agencies. But there is every possibility of the law enforcers catching up with the smartest criminals sooner or later. Now that the information is there, it should not take much time for the detective branch or the criminal investigation department to identify the locations of the gang. After all, today's sophisticated technologies are smart enough to identify abuse and fabricated use of IDs and other particulars required for staying active on social sites. The young counterfeiter nabbed from Jatrabari is likely to provide definite clues to at least some loopholes left unattended by the gang for its arrest.
This is urgent because the gang does not counterfeit but produce counterfeiters. The rate of production is unknown but it may be too threatening to the monetary transaction particularly among unsuspecting simple people in rural areas. Before this spreads like a contagious disease, the supply chain should be nipped in the bud.

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