
Meer Sajed-Ul-Basher, FCA, Managing Director and CEO of ICL and Ehsanul Habib

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Meer Sajed-Ul-Basher, FCA, Managing Director and CEO of ICL and Ehsanul Habib, Managing Director of Esquire Knit Composite Limited signed an agreement on behalf of their respective companies under which Impress Capital Limited (ICL) and Esquire Knit Composite Limited, a concern of Esquire Group, will launch an Impact-based Unit Fund titled 'Esquire ICL Apparel Fund', aiming to address the improvement of social aspects of the apparel sector. Reaz Ahmed Khan, Chairman of ICL, Arastoo Khan, Chairman, Build Bangladesh Advisory Board, Arifur Rahman, Director of Esquire Knit Composite Limited, and Muddasar Hossain, Director of Esquire Knit Composite Limited, were also present on the occasion