
Message from Federal President

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

One should not count one's blessings too soon, I agree. I believe, however, I can safely say even now that 2007 has been a good year for Germany. It started with the German EU Council Presidency during the first six months. With the conclusions adopted by the European Council in June, we have made major progress towards renewing the foundations of the European Union.
In the field of climate protection, too, we agreed on a substantial reduction in emissions. This was a crucial factor in achieving the accords reached at the G8 Summit in the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm. Of course interests may differ. Nevertheless, there is a perceptible and growing recognition that here we are all in the same boat.
Protecting our climate is absolutely vital - not only to preserve our planet for future generations but also to ensure support for an economic system based on freedom. People increasingly realize the advantages of using natural resources economically and without damaging the environment.
It is important, I believe, that we focus our energies not on passing responsibility for our planet, our environment and the atmosphere to others but on taking action ourselves to address these challenges It is no longer good enough to say: "I will take action when you do, too". Today our maxim must be: " I will take action - come and join me!" Germany intends to set a good example.
The task now is to translate this good intention into practical action. Looking back over these past months, there is one thing I feel is cause for regret. I would have liked to see greater progress in implementing the Millenium Development Goals agenda aimed at halving extreme poverty worldwide by 2015. The second half of the implementation period is about to begin. In the coming years all of us, both in the North and the South, will need to redouble our efforts. That it was not possible to conclude the Doha Development Round in 2007 is a disappointment.
Humanity's paramount goals - peace, security and freedom from hunger and poverty - can be realized only if we unite our efforts. Everyone of course knows that. Often, however, it takes painstaking effort to negotiate the maze of short-term national interests without losing sight of these goals. At the international level we all need to work together still more closely and strengthen our international organizations.
For German business, too, 2007 was a good year. We have dynamic growth and rising employment; we remain a leading export nation. We now need to further consolidate and develop the basis of our economic strength. Whether we as a nation can hold our own in future, too, will depend above all on the quality of our education and training as well as our research and development.
On this 3 October, the 17th anniversary of German Unity, Germany can look to the future with confidence. The challenges facing the world community are immense. Our nation has both the strength and the will to make an effective contribution towards tackling those challenges.

Horst Köhler