
More urban Chinese plan to buy cars

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

CHANGCHUN, July 23 (Xinhua): Soon after obtaining a driver's license, Xiao Xu, a young teacher in an industrial city in northeast China, has put car purchase on her agenda as she eagerly wants to sit behind the wheel.
Xiao Xu seems to have every reason to buy a car: economically ample, wish for a comfortable tour to work, little traffic in the city where she lives, or just in one word, to improve the quality of her life.
"Anyhow, I will buy a car before my marriage," said the 26- year-old teacher with the Changchun Science and Technology University, at the Changchun International Automobile Expo.
Like Xu, more and more urban Chinese are planning to buy their own cars, no longer a luxury item as the country's rapid economic growth have plumped up their pockets.