
Mutual Trust Bank organises workshop for SME officers

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

FE Report
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd organised a day-long workshop on "Small Enterprise Financing and Consumer Financing" in the city recently, said a press release.
Managing Director of the bank Kazi Md Shafiqur Rahman inaugurated the workshop participated by SME officers of the sixteen designated branches. The inaugural session of the workshop was attended by Deputy Managing Director Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Senior Executive Vice President Muhammad Asaduzzaman, executive vice presidents AKM Shameem and Md Nurul Islam as well as concerned executives and officers of the bank.
Head of SME Division and Executive Vice President of the bank Md Omar Fartique was in overall supervision of the workshop.
At the workshop, more stress was laid on SME loans for lessening dependence on big loans. The participants were also given guidelines about receipt and scrutiny of loan applications by the branches and subsequent disbursement of loans in the shortest possible time on completion of necessary procedures and formalities.