
News in Brief-2024-06-06

Thursday, 6 June 2024

US House for sanctioning top war-crimes
court for Netanyahu arrest warrant
WASHINGTON, June 05: The House passed legislation Tuesday that would sanction the International Criminal Court for requesting arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials. The 247-155 vote amounts to Congress' first legislative rebuke of the war crimes court since its stunning decision last month to seek arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas. The move was widely denounced in Washington, creating a rare moment of unity on Israel even as partisan divisions over the war with Hamas intensified. — AP
China takes steps to improve flood forecast
BEIJING, June 05: China's Minister of Water Resources Li Guoying on Tuesday outlined key measures to enhance the timeliness and accuracy of the country's flood monitoring and forecasting work. "The top two priorities are improving the performance of modern hydrological sensing and monitoring devices, and developing mathematical models to analyze the recorded data," the minister said at a work conference. Efforts should focus on establishing a comprehensive flood monitoring and forecasting mechanism that integrates meteorological satellites and radar, precipitation gauging sites, and hydrological stations, Li said. — Xinhua
Russian cosmonaut Kononenko sets record of 1,000 days spent in space on aggregate
MOSCOW, June 05: Oleg Kononenko, a commander of cosmonaut squad of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) and a TASS special correspondent working onboard the International Space Station (ISS), became the first person in the world to stay in the Earth orbit for 1,000 days on the aggregate, the press office of Roscosmos said in a statement on Wednesday. "Today at 00:00:20 Moscow time, Roscosmos state corporation cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, who currently works at the International Space Station has booked a record of 1,000 days for the first time in the world in terms of total spaceflight duration," the statement reads. — TASS