
News in Brief 2024-06-14

Friday, 14 June 2024

Eight EU countries for restricting
Russian diplomats' movement
ROME, June 13: Eight European Union foreign ministers wrote to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to call on the EU to ban Russian diplomats from moving freely around the block and restrict them to countries where they are accredited. "Free movement of holders of Russian diplomatic and service passports, accredited in one host state, across the whole Schengen area is easing malign activities," according to the letter, dated Jun 11, seen by Reuters. The ministers said that intelligence, propaganda "or even preparation of sabotage acts are the main workload for a large number of Russian 'diplomats' in the EU," and while expulsions were important, the threat remained. — Reuters
Fistfight in Italian Parliament as tensions
rise over expanding regional autonomy
ROME, June 13: Tensions in Italy's lower house erupted into a fistfight, sending an opposition lawmaker to hospital, over a controversial government proposal that opponents say will further impoverish the poor south. Video of the fight Wednesday shows lawmakers converging on 5-Star Movement lawmaker Leonardo Donno, who opposes the changes, after he tried to hand an Italian flag to regional affairs minister Roberto Calderoli. Calderoli, a firebrand lawmaker from the Lega party with northern roots, drafted the contested expansion of regional autonomy that would mostly benefit regions like Lega strongholds of Veneto and Lombardy. — AP
Chaos on French right as Macron's
snap poll reshapes politics
PARIS, June 13: French right-wing parties were mired by infighting Thursday as campaigning intensified for snap elections called by President Emmanuel Macron, but his government faces a more unified challenge from the left. Coming just two years after he failed to secure a majority in parliament to buttress his second presidential term, Macron's gamble on early polls risks strengthening the far-right National Rally (RN) and has sparked meltdown among traditional conservatives. Eric Ciotti of the mainstream right Republicans party announced a surprise alliance with the RN this week, which prompted the rest of the leadership team to vote him out Wednesday. — AFP