
Off Doc sites: Some observations on functional aspect

Thursday, 19 July 2007

FE Report
Off doc sites are used in Chittagong Port for loading and unloading containers. These are called off-Doc because they are outside the doc in Chittagong Port. These installations are vital because they improve operational efficiency of the port by taking pressure off the doc area. Operational efficiency has improved tremendously after the joint forces have taken over, and operational cost has also come down. In the light of that, observations regarding off doc site can be discussed with the hope that such observations will bring forth points of note that can be looked at and worked at. That is only going to improve function of the off doc, facilitating smooth logistical and supply chain management of the economic activity of the country.
Trailer shortage, parking shortage, delayed empty container availability etc. is seen to be matters that can be improved or addressed. Import based activity has received more importance because of higher revenue involved in import therefore export movement may be facing a little difficulty. However the real problem seems to be the need for more off doc depots where more containers can be loaded and unloaded.
Shortages in trailer or parking etc. can only be addressed through more investment. Generation of more private investment need attention, planning, proper drive to attract private investment, quick identification of available land for off doc sites etc. and such activities need high level approval with approved fund to start work on putting an action plan into practice. There is vast land behind the customs house has been touted by some as perfect for another off doc cfs .
One hopes that work will start to make more functional off doc sites available to the logistics professionals making supply chain management quicker. Lead-time or quick ness of movement is the most important concern in supply chain management and that is the goal for every body involved in management of supply chain.