
Omera installs 462.44 KW rooftop solar system for Fakir Fashion

Omera has a target to produce 20 MW power from rooftop solar system by 2021-22 FY

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Omera Solar, a subsidiary of East Coast Group, installed a rooftop solar system for producing 462.44 kilowatt of electricity for the country's garment industry Fakir Fashion Ltd in its Rupganj factory, said a statement.
Fakir Fashion's Managing Director Fakir K. Nahid officially inaugurated the rooftop solar system in its factory at Rupganj in Narayangaj district on Monday.
Fakir Fashion's CEO and Head of Business Abdullah Al Maher, CFO Shaheduzzaman Choudhury, East Coast Group's CEO Masudur Rahim and its Senior Manager Sakib Hasan Khan and representatives from Dutch Bangla Bank were also present, among others, during the opening ceremony. During the opening ceremony global brands from Europe and the United States, including H&M, C&A and Inditex, sent congratulatory messages to the Fakir Fashion for adopting green technology for producing electricity.
Officials said the installation will fulfill the 12,000-strong factory's energy need to a great extent from the renewable energy source.
Managing Director Fakir K. Nahid said his company was committed to producing electricity from renewable sources to reduce production cost and save the environment.
Nahid said global brands were also encouraging garment factories to reduce carbon emission. He also said that his company wants to increase the production to 2 (two) megawatt from the current 462.44 kilowatt in near future if the outcome from the current project becomes satisfactory.
CEO Abdullah Al Maher said Fakir Fashion is encouraging other industries to go for renewable energy by adopting green technology for electricity production. He said the current 462-KW project will reduce the carbon emission greatly and it is equivalent to planting 15,345 trees a year.
"This is the responsibility of all of us to save the mother nature from the adverse impact of climate change. Fakir Fashion cannot stay behind. We will continue our efforts to do so," he said.