
Pak army denies rockets fired at Musharraf plane

Saturday, 7 July 2007

ISLAMABAD, July 6 (Bloomberg): Pakistan's military denied reports that rockets were fired at the plane of President Pervez Musharraf today while he was flying to the South Asian country's southwestern province of Baluchistan.
"This is wrong," army spokesman General Waheed Arshad said in a phone interview from Rawalpindi. Musharraf is visiting flood-hit areas in Turbat in Baluchistan, he said.
Police found an anti-aircraft gun on the roof of a house in Rawalpindi and there is evidence that shots were fired, Pakistan's GEO television channel reported, citing police officials who weren't identified. At least three people escaped before police reached the house, according to GEO TV.
Meanwhile another report adds, the government is staging a mass demonstration of force
The deputy leader of radical Islamic students besieged at the Red Mosque in Pakistan's capital Islamabad has said he would rather die than surrender.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi's defiant statement came on the fourth day of a stand-off that has seen 19 people killed.
President Pervez Musharraf has held back from a full assault but there are now reports of increased firing.
Gen Musharraf is said to be anxious to avoid casualties among women and girls inside the complex.
More armoured personnel carriers have now been brought up to the Red Mosque (Lal Masjid) and local television has shown part of a wall being blown up.