
PM unveils reports on Perspective Plan, SDGs

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina unveiled on Tuesday the cover of two reports - "Bangladesh Prekhkhit Parikolpona 2021-2041" (Bangladesh Perspective Plan 2021-2041) and "Teksoi Unnayon Avishtha: Bangladesh Ogragoti Pratibedan 2020" (Sustainable Development Goals: Bangladesh Progress Report 2020), reports BSS.
The Prime Minister unwrapped the cover of the two reports online from her official Ganabhaban residence in the city at the outset of the weekly meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) held in the NEC conference room at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the capital.
Sheikh Hasina, also the ECNEC chairperson, joined the meeting through a videoconference from Ganabhaban, while ECNEC members were connected to it from the NEC conference room.