
Political stalemate over the 'national dialogue'

Mohammad Ataul Hoque | Sunday, 1 June 2008

So the inevitable has happened as predicted by this scribe months before and published in the esteemed dailies about the fate of the so-called "dialogue" with the political parties specially led by two "major" ones who now refused to participate without their two under-trial leaders being set free. They even would not agree if their those leaders were freed on parole to participate in the dialogue. They even refuse to consider the legal complications that might arise if their demands are met. There are some elements out there to disrupt and foil the election, knowing well that their musclemen and black money holders are behind the bar and, therefore, there is hardly any chance of their winning in a free and fair election. Their only interest and loyalty is towards their party and the leaders and not towards the country. Country is the last item on their plate.

It is in the best interest of the political parties to cooperate with the government for holding a creditable election by December 2008 which the politicians should realise. They do not have any option other than going for election. But to cope with this worsening situation, the government have a number of options. We also do not understand, knowing them well who made this country unlivable, how the caretaker governemnt (CTG) stepped into their trap for a farcical dialogue without any declared agenda. Now they are caught in the mud, spread by those elements, and it would be interesting to see how the CTG now endeavour to come out from this mess created because of their own folly.

The Election Commission's plan and procedures for holding a free and fair election should have been made public for their comments and while formulating their policies, those comments could be given due consideration. Too much and undue importance was given to the politicians in the government's bid to have dialogue, ignoring the silent majority of the country. Politicians could be one of the parties but certainly not the only party for the dialogue to determine the destiny of the nation as wrongly chosen by the government. Not much time is left out for the deadline. Therefore, without waiting for who would join the dialogue and who would not, the CTG should go ahead with their plan for holding the election as per set-time even if some refuse to participate.

In a democratic process everybody, if not otherwise ineligible, is entitled to participate in the election and there is no room to think that absence of someone will discredit the election. Naturally in a democratic society there may be different opinions amongst various quarters on the issue, but the government should act in the best interest of the country and the majority. Any evil design to create law and order situation to frustrate the election process and to foil the election should be dealt with an iron hand. The nation would not tolerate political anarchy any more which must not be allowed to happen again. The nation should remain alert about the emergence of political anarchism behind the motive of the demand for lifting of emergency which may be needed to remain in force for security reason until the election is over.

Once the election is held in the presence of the international observers and representatives of our international partners and if they find the election free and fair, the result would get international recognition as well. Therefore, any government formed after the result would get international support to function normally. The non-participation of some parties would encourage new and honest persons to come forward, and participate in the election and, thereby, a new era is likely to usher in the political arena of the country which has so long been dominated by muscle power and black money under the evil influence and direct patronisation of some parties. Necessary law should be enacted barring any one who speak or act against holding of the next election. The next election in the country sans some controversial persons would be a blessing in disguise for the country. The nation is now looking forward to the new honest leadership expected to emerge out of the latest developments in our political scenario.

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