
Power outage hits JS session

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Tuesday's session of the Jatiya Sangsad was adjourned hurriedly within an hour of its beginning due to power disruption in the Sangsad Bhaban, reports UNB.
The day's business began at 5:10pm with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair, but it was forced to adjourn the business after running the House for merely an hour with power support from a generator.
Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah, who was in the chair at that time, suspended the remaining proceedings of the day at 6.15pm.
The parliament session will resume at 5.00pm today.
Later, the Deputy Speaker told the media that the day's business was adjourned due to power disruption.
He said Meghnaghat Power Plant supplies electricity to the Parliament Bhaban and the power supply stopped due to technical problems in the power plant.