
Proper giving of zakat

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Meshbahuddin Ahmed
The giving of zakat or charity by resourceful Muslims to the poor is one of the pillars of Islam. But Islam does not encourage zakat as a demonstration of wealth and ego satisfaction. Zakat should be rightly given without any demonstration effect of the same, humbly and without drawing attention. But the rules are more violated than observed that give rise to tragedies. Thus, one is shocked to see deaths and injuries from stampedes during distribution of zakat at this time of the year.
It is not that Bangladeshis generally are discharging their zakat obligation in such an irresponsible way. But that some people are not practicing the religiously approved manner of giving zakat and causing harms, requires that they should be made conscious and admonished into changing their ways. The imams of the mosques can play a truly useful role in this matter by reiterating in their sermons at prayer time in mosques during Ramadan how zakat resources need to be distributed to conform with true Islamic injunctions . Government can utilise the mass media to make people more conscious of their responsibilities in this regard.
According to Islamic ideals, the best way to give zakat is to make people enabled and productive to earn a living so that they do not ultimately feel the need for taking zakat. One recalls in this connection, the story of Prophet Mohammed (SM) giving an axe to a poor man to apply for cutting down trees to earn a living. He was not given alms which he would consume and ask for more.
Thus, there is a lesson here for Muslim societies. Indeed, there are examples of the ideal course of mobilising of zakat funds in countries such as Malaysia where zakat resources are pooled together to build schools, orphanages, vocational training centres, dwelling units, hospitals, businesses and other organisations entirely for providing free services to the poor. We can emulate this example in Bangladesh to cater to the all round needs of a great many number of poor people than giving zakat that satisfies only temporary consumption needs.