
Putin proposes US-Russian base

Saturday, 9 June 2007

HEILIGENDAMM, Jun 8 (AFP): Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a joint Russian-US base to detect missile attacks in a startling proposal to overcome a crisis between the two countries.
Putin offered President George W Bush the joint use of a Russian radar base in Azerbaijan as an alternative to plans for a US missile shield in central Europe.
Russia has angrily opposed the planned US shield in Poland and the Czech Republic and Putin had threatened to return to the Cold War policy of aiming Russian missiles at European targets, if it was deployed.
Putin said a joint base would "remove the need, would allow us to not change our policy on non-targeting of our missiles."
Putin and Bush met Thursday on the sidelines of the Group of Eight summit in Heiligendamm, Germany in a bid to rescue relations which were at a post- Cold War low amid their missile defence wrangling.
Bush found the Russian offer "interesting" and proposed experts from the two countries examine it, his national security advisor, Stephen Hadley, said later.
Bush himself told journalists that the two leaders would pursue their "strategic dialogue" at talks at the Bush family home in the United States in early July.
Putin said he had spoken Wednesday to the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who had agreed that the Gabalin base rented by Russia could also be jointly used by the United States.
Russia says it is the target of the proposed US shield in Europe while the United States insists its system is to guard against an attack by Iran or North Korea.
"We have an understanding of common threats but there are differences over the means for overcoming these threats," Putin said after the talks, with Bush at his side.
The Russian leader insisted that the US and Russian military could detect any long-range missile test by Iran and would then have up to five years to set up a joint base before there was any major threat.
Putin argued that the Azerbaijan-based system would cover all of Europe rather than just parts of it and that any missile debris would fall in the ocean rather than on land in Europe.
He said locating the base in Azerbaijan would ease Russian concerns about a missile shield on its frontier in Europe.
But he insisted that the new system had to be "transparently" shared and that the strategic concerns of both sides had to be taken into account.
Putin warned the United States not to start building the system in Europe while negotiations with Moscow take place. "We hope these consultations will not serve as cover for some unilateral action," Putin said.
Meanwhile, German police chased protesters in boats at sea, while firing water cannon and arresting 300 land- based people as they fought to keep protestors away from the Group of Eight summit Thursday.
About 100 demonstrators were arrested as they staged a sit- in on one road while 200 were taken into custody after police dragged people off another road and away from the security barrier near the summit venue.
An AFP photographer said he was sprayed by tear gas at one road.
In a dramatic 10-minute speedboat chase meanwhile, two Greenpeace boats collided with police speedboats as they tried to outmanoeuvre their pursuers, throwing four activists into the water, Greenpeace said.
"They were doing their best to reach the beach... to deliver a petition calling for clear commitments on climate change, which governments have so far failed to agree at this summit," said Greenpeace spokeswoman Jo Kuper.
"Some were stopped by police, and some boats are still in the water," she said.
Greenpeace said 11 boats in all were involved in the operation.
A police spokesman said that eight Greenpeace boats were seized and 21 activists detained. Two activists and one policeman were injured, the spokesman said. Greenpeace said three activists were injured.
On land, several thousand protestors attempted to block roads around the venue, with several hundred blocking an access point through the 12- kilometre- (seven-mile-) long fence encircling the Baltic resort of Heiligendamm.