

Rains transform weather beyond recognition

Nilratan Halder | Saturday, 11 May 2024

To say it was magical is an understatement. But when the rain came after the longest spell of blistering heat on record pushing the mercury down, it was unbelievable. No, the heavenly blessing did not soak parching Dhaka city all at a time, let alone the country across its length and breadth. But no area was deprived either. There were passing showers or even downpours accompanied with lightning and hails. Even in Dhaka city some areas experienced squally weather spells with big chunks of hails whereas its neighbourhood remained dry or witnessed mild showers.
Overall, though, the rains brought the relief from the unbearable heat that was merciless enough to claim a few lives even in this capital city. The sudden about-turn of weather happens when not only people but also birds and animals could take the sweltering heat no more. This is exactly where the rains are seen more as divine blessings than just a scientific inevitability. In desperation, people offer special prayers in places of worship for rain. Some also do strange things like arranging marriage of frogs in the belief that this will bring rain. Still stranger things are done in Nepal and India where drought-hit mountainous villages and areas such as Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, women dance naked or disrobe themselves before ploughing field as part of a ritual for appeasing the rain god. Similar rituals in North America and Africa are also reported.
A Washington Post report in 2002 says women's naked dance in Aligarh, India failed to bring rains. So, is the prayer for rain responded to positively? Or, what about the marriage of frogs solemnised just a couple of days before the rain came? Both who arranged mass prayer for rains and who arranged the frog marriage may think it was their prayer or the ritual of frogs' marriage that brought the rain. Let them feel satisfied. After all, faith is something not to be questioned.
Science, however, tries to analyse the reasons behind any natural phenomenon. Higher temperatures trigger the atmosphere's capacity to hold more moisture than cooler temperatures. The former hold moisture at a rate of almost 7.0 per cent per degree Celsius. Thus a large amount of hot air either from ocean or land areas evaporates into the atmosphere. When mixed with cold air in high altitude and come in contact with tiny particles to get condensed, there is rain. The larger the evaporation is due to extreme heat the heavier the shower.
So, all is not lost. It is not for nothing a poet has advised not to be afraid of clouds because, the sun is smiling behind. If this is just reversed, the opposite axiom is like this: the scorching sun is not permanently so, clouds and rains follow the heat it generates. Natural phenomena hold in them enough mystery and still more surprises for humans because they claim to be the ultimate specimen of intelligent animal.
The problem is that their knowledge has reached a level where they think they are the lords of the universe. That is a monumental blunder. Knowledge must teach one to be humble and grateful for the bounties of this planet. Instead they have opted for applying their knowledge to areas pernicious enough for their obliteration from its surface. With all their discovery and innovation, they have only plundered the Earth's resources for enhancing their comfort and luxury to an absurd level on the one hand and for making weapons for mass killing of unprecedented order, on the other.
This is exactly why the only known planet to host life so far has started behaving erratically. No other animal has caused so much depredation to the world than this animal at the top of ranking. The humankind is solely responsible for the awful climate change that has influenced the weather pattern to be ever more tumultuous. Nature is still kind enough to humans. The weather's volte face could not be more welcome at a time when all living organisms were gasping for breath due to extreme heat and humidity. If one likes to read in this sudden change a message, it is clear. Don't cross a limit to plundering natural resources and take care of its other living species such as its flora and fauna, the planet will take care of you. It is the epitome of a kind and benevolent host and the symbiotic relations are sacrosanct which must be held in high regard.