
Rangpur TTC produces 16,000 skilled workforce

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

RANGPUR, Feb 18 (BSS): Rangpur Technical Training Centre (TTC) has produced around 16,000 skilled youth workforce on 22 technical and vocational courses under eight trades since its inception in 2008.
About 12,000 of the trained youths have been employed at different local and foreign industries, factories, offices and enterprises and around 6,650 of them, including over 2,400 female youths, are working abroad in seventeen countries.
The information was disclosed at the closing ceremony and pre-employment counselling of two-month skill development training course on 'Industrial Sewing Machine Operation' held at Rangpur TTC conference room on Sunday.
Rangpur TCC organised the course on 'Industrial Sewing Machine Operation' for 30 male and female youths, including six members of ethnic communities, selected with assistance of Practical Action Bangladesh and RDRS Bangladesh.
Deputy Commissioner Enamul Habib attended the ceremony as the chief guest with Principal of Rangpur TTC Engineer Md. Lutfar Rahman in the chair.
Vocational Education and Job Placement Specialist of Practical Acting Bangladesh Rafiquel Islam, District Coordinator (Training and Knowledge Management) of the EC-PRISM Project of RDRS Bangladesh Rakibul Bahar and Vice-president of NNMC Partho Bose were present as the special guests.