
Letters to the Editor

Reigniting love for books

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Once, reading was a cherished leisure activity. But in today's busy life, the allure of books seems to wane in the face of digital convenience. With PDFs readily available, the purchase of physical books is dwindling. However, can the satisfaction derived from flipping through the pages of a paper book be replicated on the screens of our mobile phones or laptops?
In today's society, electronic devices dominate daily life. Mobile phones are indispensable, serving as the lifeline for communication, while laptops facilitate academic and professional endeavors. Virtually all tasks, whether essential or recreational, are confined to these screens. From children to the elderly, no demographic is exempt from this digital immersion, leading to a decline in the habit of reading books.
Many individuals effortlessly spend four to five hours online each day, engrossed in their mobile phones, leaving little time for contemplation. Consequently, the human mind becomes ensnared in a limited digital realm, hindering the development of critical thinking.
Books offer a sanctuary from this mobile-bound existence. Whether it's fiction, poetry, or non-fiction, the timeless writings of authors have sparked profound thoughts across generations. Allocating a designated time each day to immerse oneself in the pages of a book, perhaps accompanied with a cup of tea, can reignite the joy of reading.
Gift of books to loved ones and encouraging them to read, we can foster a renewed appreciation for literature. Books not only stimulate independent thought but also nourish the mind and inspire personal growth. They can unlock the boundless potential within each individual.

Khadiza Akther Rima
University of Dhaka