
Religion, rites and rituals

Maswood Alam Khan from Maryland, USA | Sunday, 22 June 2014

Astronomers and physicists first observed that other galaxies are moving away from our own at a great speed as if they had all been propelled by an ancient explosive force. Based on that observation scientists have theorised that the universe was born out of a cosmic cataclysm that they have termed as "The Big Bang". It happened some 10 billion to 20 billion years ago. Before the Big Bang, scientists believe, the entire observable universe was compressed into a hot, dense mass just a few millimeters across for just a fraction of the first second of time. The theory says, in the instant-a trillion-trillionth of a second-immediately after the Big Bang, the universe had expanded with incomprehensible speed from its pebble-size origin to astronomical scope. Expansion has still been continuing, but much more slowly, over the ensuing billions of years. Much of this information have been gathered by the scientists only in the last sixty years.
No divine book other than the holy Quran could give a cryptic hint about this big event happened from a minuscule mass of a few millimeters in diameter. How could a book that was written in the 7th century contain a clue to Bing Bang that scientists have discovered about 14 centuries later? This question has boggled the minds of scholars who are not necessarily Muslims. There is a plethora of more scientific information one can find stored inside Quran that could not be humanly imaginable at the time the holy book was revealed. No wonder, this holy book is being researched by scientists for getting some other clues to what have not yet been invented or discovered. Readers are requested to consult authentic research papers to find out how scientists have been baffled at discovering in Quran hints and ideas about many unproven mysteries and scientific truths of various disciplines.
There is now a question whether Quran is a book meant only for Muslims! NO. The answer is: the Quran is meant for the whole mankind irrespective of their color, creed or religion. Quran is perhaps the only holy book where people of different faiths including Islam who believe in oneness of God have been assured of not to be worried on the Day of Judgment.
In Quran [2:62] is mentioned: "Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve." What else can constitute an evidence to prove that the Quran is for the mankind to follow?
Islam, no doubt a great religion from the humanitarian point of view, is derived from the Quran and not from the traditions or cultures of Muslim people. Islam has been on this planet from Day One, well before the last prophet of Islam was born.
Islam does not comprise of only religious rites and rituals; Islam, based on Quran, has also prescribed how mundane affairs have to be dealt with. Islam has approved comprehensive rules on how good governance can be ensured, human dignity enriched, how not to disrespect believers in other faiths and how human spirit can be lifted. Nowhere in Quran can one find what the radicals (they should be called Muslims) are doing through suicides and immoral activities in the name of Islam.
How far Muslims of the present-day world have contributed in fighting corruption, ensuring peace, equity and justice, bringing harmony among people and promoting good governance?
A recently published merit list of countries of the world which are most faithful to the core values of Quran and compliant with good governance as enshrined in Islam has created an uproar in public debates and discussions in the media and prodded pundits in theological realms as well as general people to dig into the deeper meanings and teachings of the Koran and Islam.
According to a study conducted by two highly acclaimed academics that was published on June 09, 2014, the country in the world most faithful to the values of the Koran is Ireland which best embodies the Islamic values of opportunity and justice. And the next are Denmark, Sweden and the UK.
Not a single majority Muslim country made in the top 25 and no Arab country is in the top 50 in the merit list. Professor Askari said that when their 'Islamicity index' was applied only Malaysia (33) and Kuwait (42) featured in its top 50 countries, compared to the USA at 15, as is the Netherlands, while France is at 17. Saudi Arabia rated 91st, with Qatar at 111st. In doing the study they applied the ideals of Islam in the areas of a society's economic achievements, governance, human and political rights, and international relations. On that index Muslim countries did very badly and are accused of using religion as an instrument of power. Professor Hossein Askari lamented: "We must emphasise that many countries that profess Islam and are called Islamic are unjust, corrupt, and underdeveloped and are in fact not 'Islamic' by any stretch of the imagination."
It is a tragedy that the Koran's teachings are now better represented in Western societies than in the so-called Islamic countries, which have failed to embrace the values of their own faith in politics, business, law and society. Why? It is time for us to reinvent Islam.
The latest fodder people around the world got to taunt the Muslims about madness of Wahhabists has been offered by ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), an al-Qaeda splinter terrorist group fighting the government of Syria and Iraq, last week when they called on the residents of the Iraq's northern city of Mosul to offer their women to the Takfiri militants for sex as a part of "Jihad-ul-Nikka", referring to an ancient practice of offering sex to warriors in a holy war. In a similar way, back in 2103, a Saudi-based Wahhabi cleric also issued a ridiculous fatwa calling on women to offer themselves to the armed militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.0
Before Islam, for noncompliance of its real teachings, vanishes from Muslim countries and takes refuge in other countries where Muslims constitute the minority, we have to find out the root causes that take the Muslims away from the shining path Koran has shown. It is time to ask why Muslims are so angry, arrogant and crazy and in some cases absolutely insane. Why many Muslims, according to the Western view, are called Islamists in a sarcastic tone and now synonymous with terrorists.
A Muslim is required to strictly adhere to the Quranic codes of conduct in all his activities, be they in the realms of his rituals or his mundane affairs. The Islamic values which emanate from this world view have to be compatible with man's needs in this world as a preparation for his life in the hereafter. The transcendent nature of Islamic values is what makes it to be in tandem with the basic principles of human existence and ultimate aim in life. Faith in Islam provides the anchor that steers a man to behave in the right direction. A deviant behaviour on the part of a Muslim is not acceptable and needs immediate corrective action. Islamic value system is therefore central in the context of good governance.
 "But, are we Muslim in the truest sense of the term to uphold the Islamic value system?" How close are we really to Islam and its teachings? Are not many of us Muslims by name only? Are not non-Muslims following the teachings of Islam more devoutly than the so-called Muslims? Yes, these are the questions we have to throw at our conscience.
Those of us who are so-called Muslims and rather only greedy to go to heaven think only by reciting kalema, speedily having performed five-time prayers, giving away some money to people to flaunt our riches and performing Hajj in pompous manner we can buy the confirmed ticket to eternal heaven! None of us ever try to unfurl the inner meanings of these five pillars and other governing policies and principles of Islam, as exemplified by the last prophet, that are required for one to follow and implement in his temporal life before claiming himself as a perfect Muslim.
Mere doing the rites and rituals does not make a man righteous. Mere bearing a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or Hindu name and attending prayers at mosques or churches or synagogues or temples does not make a man religious. Gary Edward Garrison Keillor, an American author, storyteller, and humorist once said: "Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car."
He is righteous who abides by the teachings of his religion, be it Islam, Christianity, or Judaism. And there is no religion under the sun which prescribes any rituals or advice that go against humanity. Religion has been responsible for a lot of good things in the world. The idea of charity, not just charity to people around you, but long distance charity stems from religion. Charity and human welfare are ingrained in all the religions and it is a moral idea that religions deserve credit for. In fact, every religion is good if that religion helps make life happy and peaceful as God desired. "God has no religion" said Mahatma Gandhi
But those who instead of bringing harmony and establishing justice in society by following the teachings of their respective religions rather use the religion as an excuse to spark conflicts and justify their violence cannot be called Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus. They are worse than even atheists. These religious bigots are responsible for all the harms the planet has been witnessing. If you look at the  compilation of atrocities as in "The Great Big Book of Horrible Things" you will see religion is to be blamed for 13 out of the biggest 100 horrible things in humanity, leading to 47 million deaths, falling behind only to Communism, which was responsible for 67 million deaths.
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