
Reopening educational institutions

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

The pandemic has drastically affected Bangladesh's education sector, more than many other sectors. Everything except educational institutions is now open. Schools, colleges and other educational institutions have been closed since mid-March to contain Covid-19 transmission.
However, a new survey finds that the country has started developing herd immunity against coronavirus and around 45 per cent of the people were found to be carrying Covid-19 antibody. Taking this study into cognizance, we can say that many of the students were infected by the virus even after staying at their homes.
Keeping educational institutions shut does not guarantee any student would not get infected. Because, life has limped back to normal in every other sector and family members are going outside of homes every day. So, does it make any sense of keeping only educational institutions closed leaving all other sectors working? It is time for the government to reopen the educational institutions maintaining health guidelines so that students can get rid of their uncertain academic life.
Khalil Sheikh
Green Road, Dhaka