
Rising trend of divorce

Sunday, 18 February 2018

THE overall rising trend of crime in the society is not only a disconcerting but also an alarming issue. Incidents of murder, elopement among other things are increasing. We see murders being committed on trifling matters. Oppression against women is another social crime which is on the rise in our society. As a result, women are filing divorce cases in greater numbers than any time in the past. The rate of people getting divorced and living separately from their spouses almost doubled over the last decade as a recent Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) report reveals.
Marriage registrars, psychologists and gender experts noted loss of family bonds and values, polygamy and extra-marital affairs, virtual world, and economically empowered women opting out of marriages following mental and physical maladjustment as the main reasons behind the rise in divorce rates.
Marriage is a one of the oldest institutions of human history and its importance in society can hardly be overemphasised. Family plays a vital role in establishing a happy and well-knit society which is an essential prerequisite for a prosperous nation. If we do not take urgent steps to stop this trend of divorce and separation we shall soon find ourselves in the medieval age which was known as "the age of darkness or ignorance". Experts believe that many, influenced by the virtual world, tend to live in fantasies. They disengage from their surroundings and eventually go for breakups on flimsy grounds. We must stop this trend and should not forget that "family is a haven in heartless world"
Akmal Hossain