
Road digging

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

THE rainy season is here and the digging of city roads has, as usual, started. When we, the city dwellers, are already in troubles due to excessive rains and water loggings, the city authorities have thrown us into further problem by digging roads everywhere in the city. Different utility service agencies, mobile phone companies and individuals have started their excavation programmes at different areas ignoring our sufferings. It is really funny that the digging works begin when the monsoon arrives.
We clearly understand that the road-digging here in Dhaka is always unplanned and haphazard. And the net result is chaos all the time. Why cannot the digging start a bit earlier and end before the monsoon sets in? Is this so difficult to plan? After the digging is done, most often the excavators leave the damaged roads insufficiently repaired. Big holes or furrows in the middle of the busy thoroughfares are a common sight in the city. The holes are veritable death traps to an unsuspecting driver or pedestrian. These badly ruptured roads also add to the seemingly insoluble traffic tangles in the city.
Lack of co-ordination among the agencies concerned is a major problem. This must be resolved before the situation can improve. The authorities should look into the matter and improve co-ordination and understanding among the relevant agencies and departments so that all development and maintenance works can be done smoothly, and completed before the monsoon.
Ahmed Ali