
Russia\\\'s control over Ukraine: Threat to US hegemony!

Abdulla Al Imran | Saturday, 8 March 2014

What is the interest of Russia in Ukraine? Russia is a former superpower of the world and now it is spreading its influence beside Europe. It has huge military power. You need to exercise your military power; otherwise nobody will accept you as powerful. So Ukraine can be an opportunity for Russia to exercise its military power. Besides, Russia will not allow its bordering state going under the supervision of European Union. Georgia wanted to join the European Union and came under Russian attack in 2008. On the other hand, Russia has some geo-strategic weaknesses. In the North-Western part of Russia, there is no warm water body. If Russia wants to communicate with the rest of the world, it needs control over the Black Sea. Russia needs access to water body for international trade and commerce. Furthermore, many leaders of Russia came from Ukraine and in Crimea area almost 30 per cent of the population is Russian.
After the of second world war Ukraine went under Soviet Union and with the end of cold war, Ukraine became independent. Though Ukraine got independence, Russian influence remained predominant in the country. Pro-Russian leaders came into power in Ukraine. Common people of Ukraine want to join with European Union for improving their economic conditions. But the leaders of Ukraine do not want to join the European Union. Russia also doesn't want that to happen, and to resist this Russia is ready to take any steps. Most likely, international community will not resist Russia. US president Barack Obama is threatening his counterpart Vladimir Putin. But the reality is that European Union, NATO or USA will not intervene in the Ukrainian issue. We may recall what happened when Russia attacked Georgia in 2008. Both USA and NATO were silent at that time and Russia punished Georgia, committing serious atrocities.
Putin is a nationalist leader. He is trying to regain the lost power of Russia. In recent years, he has shown his boldness. He has challenged US hegemony in Syrian chemical weapons issue. The USA was threatening to attack Syria, but with the effort of Putin it was not possible. Russia applied its veto in the UN Security Council to protect Syria from possible intervention.
 Under the circumstances, the question that comes to mind is whether Russia is regaining its lost status. After the end of the cold war, Russia lost its status as a superpower. But now Russia is rising and seeks to reshape the world order. Russia has already started challenging US hegemony in the world order. To enter the Ukraine territory is no doubt a threat to US hegemony.
In 2009, US intelligence agency said that Russia can be a threat in future to US hegemony. It lost its prestige of superpower but may rise in near future. Russia is a latent giant and any time it can wake up. If Russia establishes control over Ukraine, it will be a threat to US global influence and prestige.
The writer is an MSS student, dept. of international relations, University of Dhaka. [email protected]