Save wetlands from grabbers
Sunday, 28 April 2019
This letter is in reference to the article, titled "Dhaka, surrounding areas lose 23pc of wetlands in five years, says study", that was published in The Financial Express on April 26, 2019. The findings of the study are alarming as far as safeguarding wetlands and protecting the environment is concerned.
The Supreme Court upheld its earlier verdict that had directed the authorities concerned to restore the wetland in Savar where Modhumoti Model Town, a housing project, developed the wetland by illegally violating the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) issued in 2010. It was a landmark verdict against wetland grabbers.
A few months ago, a High Court Bench had instructed the authorities concerned to make a list of river grabbers and publish it in the media so that they cannot contest in elections or avail bank loans. Such an order was essential to save all wetlands from illegal occupiers across the country.
Wetlands are like the lifeline of any country. These are crucial for sound environment, bio-diversity, ecological balance, flora and fauna. They play vital roles in the free flow of water across the country. The livelihoods of millions of people of the country are dependent on the wetlands.
Still these wetlands are dying due to the greedy grabbers. In most of the cases, by using their influence, the grabbers forcefully dump sand and soil into the wetlands in a bid to encroach them. Pollution is another reason behind the dying wetlands of the country.
It is time the government authority took tough action against wetland grabbers, particularly repeat offenders.
Md Zillur Rahaman
Satish Sarker Road
Gandaria, Dhaka