
Shaking off study distractions for efficiency

Sunday, 24 June 2007

M A Islam
THERE are many things to distract us from studies in the present age. Attending cell phones, invitation to addas (gossip circles), idleness, watching TV-all these might distract us from studies. We must be very cautious and fight against these distractions in order to do good in studies and thus succeed in hard struggle in our academic life.
Cell phones or any other kind of phone for that matter, while being of great help in our studies, also may become harmful for our studies. When we are studying very seriously, we might get a call and have to attend it, we might need to spend some five to ten minutes or more than that. Then we might need another five to ten minutes or even more than that to get back to where we were, i.e., our lessons.
Attending addas, unscheduled and untimely, might be very distracting for studies. We might have very important lessons to prepare, but we might be engrossed in adda.
Idleness can greatly distract us from studies. The tendency of sleeping for an extra hour might be very discouraging for studies. Also, we often feel like leaving tasks to be done next time, and this might be also very harmful.
Watching TV is probably one of the most serious problems we, students, are facing. There are too many channels and we can spend hours in front of the TV. If we spend more than 20 minutes in front of the TV, our brain starts working disorderly.
we must be careful of the following things:
First, we must be very choosy about giving numbers of our cell phone to others. We should also tell them the most convenient time for calling. We should be very brief on the phone. We must remember that talking to cell phone is also bad for health.
Second, we can give addas, but that should be very limited. Rather, we can try to spend more time in group study.
Third, we must fight continuously against idleness. This will help us get rid of inertia and we can study more.
Fourth, we should be very selective in watching the TV programmes. We can see those channels only which will help us in our studies or in our career. We must be very choosy whether we will see recreational programmes or not.
Fifth, we must continuously practise how to focus on the moment. We must pay full attention to whatever we are doing.
Last but not the least, we must have self-imposed dates for mock tests and we must be serious in participating in those mock tests. This will immensely help us to get rid of all kinds of distractions.