
Simple solution but still uncontrollable

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Rahela Rahman
A SIMPLE solution -- a mixture of a certain quantity of water, salt and sugar -- could save hundreds of babies from the waterborne disease -- "diarrhoea". Despite the availability of these ingredients even in the remote areas, it is reported that around 100,000 under-five babies die of diarrhoea every year. There is also a clear indication of the time when diarrhoea breaks out in a year. Having all the information in hand, we are losing those valuable lives every year. Even the spread of the disease can not be checked after its outbreak.
The ICDDR'B, which is the international center for diarrhoeal disease research, says that the under-five children are the most vulnerable to the disease that attacks them three to four times every year in the country. It has been found that water logging, excessive population, unhygienic environment and unawareness about healthcare are the risk factors for the spread of disease. The center gathers all the information through research. But problems are on the sufferers' side. They are largely ignorant; even when they know the remedy, they are not conscious. Sometimes, they are callous because they are not in a position to appreciate the need to take the right precautionary measures. But they are also not to blame for their behaviour.
Long-time deprivations of various facilities including the rights to have food, shelter, cloths, education, etc., from the society have led to their deplorable conditions of living. That has been the case with them, in some cases, for generations. So it is our request to the authorities concerned to create a better understanding among these people about how to live a better life by eating food, having better calorie content. Opportunities must also be there for them to have access to food, within their reach. That may go a long way towards solving their problems and preventing diseases in advance.