
Social and linguistic benefits of using facebook

Masum Billah | Sunday, 16 March 2014

Facebook has been developed as a special tool for social media to stay connected with friends across the world.  The users can communicate with lots of people at one time, can send or post notices about news or activities to groups of friends or members of the users' organisation and can update any change immediately. Hence the popularity of this social media has reached its peak and has become an integral part of daily life of many people particularly the educated young population. It serves as a new means for people to communicate with others, new source of collective knowledge and entertainment. Facebook has established itself as the premier social networking website. Though Facebook critics decry a number of issues stemming from social networking in general, it provides a wealth of benefits to its users. As a member of global village the position of Bangladesh is not lagging behind in this race.
Facebook users often use causal written English, which often does not conform to the rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation. It has the potential to provide the users new expressions of language through its various available features. Facebook is used by young people mainly for recreation purpose and their improvement in English language skills is incidental.  It happens naturally and in the sub-conscious process which is the scientific formula to acquire a language. Facbooking definitely helps understanding the personality traits that motivate individual to spend more time on Facebook. US linguist Krashen views that free voluntary reading may be the most powerful educational tool in language education.  It serves to increase literacy and develop vocabulary which subsequently leads to better writing skills. There, the reader is under no compulsion to develop language skills while reading a test, rather involuntary learning happens while under self-supervision. Acquisition refers to acquiring the language through exposure which occurs subconsciously by participating in some natural communication. Facebook undoubtedly offers this opportunity. It also ensures users' attention, participation, collaboration, network awareness and critical consumption.  In all these activities we come across varied range of expression of communication that involves both productive and receptive skills, the basic skills of any language that aid the process of new language learning.  Krashen further says language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules. It requires meaningful interactions in the communication process in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with messages they are conveying and understanding. Best methods are therefore those that supply 'comprehensive input' in low anxiety situation, containing messages that learners really want to hear. Vocabulary development is one area where marked improvement is being perceived among the young users of facebook.
Facebook offers numerous technological operations supporting a varied range of features and practices integrating several modes of computer medicated commutations such as self-presentation and one-to-one or one-to-many written exchanges. Psychologists have looked at the words people use as a way of gaining insight into what is going on in their minds. This kind of linguistic analysis, however, has historically faced two main challenges. One is that researchers needed to decide beforehand which words are associated with certain personality traits. The other is that the most common words make up the majority of people's vocabulary. Now facebooking expresses the personal traits of the users. It exhibits their inner personality as well which they are not conscious of but the readers can easily identify their personality trait.
Facebook gives another sort of benefit to the students. They can post something on facebook and teachers can correct and comment on those writings. It indirectly teaches the students structures and grammar points. It bears also social, interactive and communicative values. Today's world constraints often limit socialization. However, social network service like facebook offer new opportunities for students to connect easily with their classmates, peer learners and instructors on a new level that is more personal and motivating in many respects. Social scientists say, this type of interaction may have a positive effect on the student-student and student-teacher relationships, and may consequently lead to a more positive learning environment. Secondly, by using such emerging tools, learners have greater autonomy and are actively involved in knowledge development since they have more control over learning. Rather than exclusively delivering information from textbooks, new technologies heighten the engagement of students in finding, recognizing and analyzing resources on their own.
Critics claim that Facebook isolates people from one another by putting users behind a computer screen but allows members to quickly and efficiently exchange information they once exchanged privately. Networking has always been a key component of business, but Facebook's massive social network contains significant resources for people seeking exposure. Facebook offers a number of benefits to marketing professionals and small business owners alike. With its massive user base, Facebook gives marketers a nearly limitless audience for commercial messages. Some organisations use Facebook pages to post newsletters and other updates, and business owners can use this information to keep abreast of competitor activity. In addition, Facebook users frequently share interesting details about their lives with hundreds of friends. Facebooking is a medium of promoting what we do and let people know them. Before its invention pen-friend occupied that place but facebook is many times more interactive than pen-friendship.  It helps develop friendship across the world and allows keeping it active always. Developing social network globally using facebook is undoubtedly an effective medium and its social value can not be ignored any way.

The writer is Programme Manager, BRAC, email: [email protected]