
Southeast Bank holds workshop on BASEL-II

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

FE Report
Southeast Bank Limited (SEBL) recently organised a workshop on 'New Capital Accord (BASEL-II)' for all heads of branches and members of Basel-II Implementation Committee at its training institute in the city.
SEBL Managing Director Neaz Ahmed, while inaugurating the workshop as the chief guest, highlighted the rationale for introduction of New Capital Accord as a better and more risk sensitive discipline incorporating credit risk, operational risk and market risk in the system.
He also emphasised the need for proper understanding of the tools, techniques, methodologies and implications of Basel-II by the bank officials towards its preparedness for implementing it within 2009.
Bangladesh Bank BRPD General Manager Naba Gopal Banik and Basel-II Cell DGM KM Abdul Wadood spoke as guest speakers and made keynote presentations in the workshop.
SEBL Deputy Managing Director and Chairman of Basel-II Implementation Committee Syed Imtiaz Hasib made summary discussion, outlined the roadmap for implementing Basel-II in the bank, and gave vote of thanks to the participants and guest speakers.