
Spin Wikipedia softly

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Andy Greenberg
At a glance, Wikipedia looks like a public relations firm's fantasy: The site attracts between 40 million and 50 million unique visitors a month, far more than the Web sites of the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post combined. Even better, to catch that massive stream of eyeballs, marketing agencies don't need to coax positive stories out of reporters. Since anyone can edit Wikipedia, PR flacks can inject spin directly into articles.
But exploiting the site is harder than it sounds, marketing consultant Stephan Spencer told an audience at Search Marketing Expo in New York. As corporate interest in Wikipedia has grown, the site has developed a "no tolerance" policy against blatantly self-promoting content. "If there's a conflict of interest, or you're editing an article using your company's name, it's going to get deleted," Spencer said. "Basically it's 'shoot on sight.' You're guilty until proven innocent."
Online marketers, however, haven't given up on tapping Wikipedia's massive traffic flow. Along with two of Wikipedia's top volunteer editors, Spencer and two colleagues explained how marketing agencies can strike a balance, using the site to increase their brand's visibility and grab its wealth of free advertising, without getting their changes deleted--or worse, causing a backlash that spills into the mainstream press.
For Comedy Central's director of enterprise marketing, Don Steele, Wikipedia has been a godsend. One of the network's shows, South Park, has spawned more than 250 Wikipedia pages. Mahatma Gandhi, Steele points out, has one. "Wikipedia is one of the largest traffic drivers to ComedyCentral.com," Steele says.
To foster that fertile traffic source, however, requires a fine touch. Steele personally monitors the site, participating in editorial discussions for South Park pages and suggesting content to Wikipedia's editors. He says he never adds content himself, however, as that would violate the site's conflict of interest guidelines.
Even more foolhardy, says Steele, is editing out controversial nuggets, like references to the $1.5 billion lawsuit Comedy Central's parent company, Viacom has launched against Google. The dangers of Wikipedia whitewashing became clear two months ago when Caltech graduate student Virgil Griffith created Wikiscanner, an online tool that reveals the source of any Wikipedia edit. Dow Chemical voting machine manufacturer Diebold and military contractor Raytheon were a few of the companies caught deleting negative references from their pages and shamed in the mainstream press.
Getting on Wikipedia's bad side can also harm a site's rankings in Google and Yahoo! search results, according to Jonathan Hochman, a search marketer who doubles as a volunteer Wikipedia administrator. Wikipedia keeps a "spammer blacklist" and shares it with several search engines, he says. Domains that appear on the list often lose valuable search engine traffic.
But with the right tactics, articles can be successfully tweaked to improve brand visibility and drive traffic to other Web sites, contends marketing guru Spencer. He suggests that marketers add valuable text to an article, along with a link to their own Web site. Since Wikipedia's editors will hesitate to delete useful content, the link often stays on the page.
Even better, Spencer says, is to develop a user profile on the site that builds personal trust within the Wikipedia community. That means spending time deleting typos in articles, cleaning up spam and otherwise cultivating a good Wiki-citizen image. "You have to make real edits that add value, not just ones that boost your company or your client," Spencer says. "Developing that street cred is really important. If you try to add links or content without it, chances are it'll be reverted."
Those who build up enough respect in the community, Spencer argues, can polish off their pieces with just about any kind of spin. He points out that Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, for instance, has successfully removed references to the softcore porn site he launched prior to Wikipedia fame. "There's some talking out of both sides of the mouth on Wikipedia," Spencer says. "Jimbo Wales can get away with that stuff because he has powerful friends in the Wikipedia community."
Even so, new tools like Wikiscanner mean gaming the site is harder than ever. "Even if you're getting away with murder right now, it could still come back to haunt you," Spencer warns. "A new tool could come out next year and out you. So be cautious and play by the rules, or you might get burned."