
Sri Lanka claims Tamil stronghold

Friday, 13 July 2007

COLOMBO, Jul 12 (Businessday.co.za): Sri Lanka's military claimed yesterday that it had captured the last Tamil Tiger stronghold in the island's eastern province following months of fighting, as peace broker Norway attempted to revive a tattered truce.
The military took control of the Thoppigala base used by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, following intense air and ground attacks, the defence ministry said. It was the first time the area was under state control over the past 13 year.
"With this victory, the troops have captured the nerve centre of the terrorists in their last stronghold in the eastern province," it said.
"Dealing a major blow to the Tiger hierarchy in the east, those military operations bring all of eastern Sri Lanka under government control for the first time after 13 years," the army said. No independent confirmation of the claim was available.
Roadside blast kills 5 policemen in Afghanistan
KABUL, July 12 (AP): A roadside blast hit a police patrol in eastern Afghanistan Thursday, killing five officers and wounding another, an official said.
The attack happened in Yaqoubi district, in Khost province, said Wazir Pacha, a spokesman for the provincial police chief. The victims were part of a joint US- Afghan patrol, Pacha said.