
Steps in place for Rohingya repatriation, claims Myanmar

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Though there is no sign of repatriation yet, Myanmar has claimed the work is proceeding steadily on this front and necessary steps are in place to start the repatriation of Rohingyas from Bangladesh to Myanmar, reports UNB.
"All requirements for repatriation are in place," says a statement shared by Myanmar State Counsellor Office.
A prosecutor from the international criminal court (ICC) has recently sought jurisdiction over the 'deportation' of Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh, with the aim of investigating and prosecuting those responsible.
In a filing, court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said, "This is not an abstract question but a concrete one, affecting whether the court may exercise jurisdiction ...to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute."
The prosecutor is seeking a ruling to "verify that the Court has territorial jurisdiction when persons are deported from the territory of a State which is not a party to the Statute directly into the territory of a State which is a party to the Statute."
The government of Myanmar, however, expressed concern on the news regarding the application by the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor to claim jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Muslims from Rakhine to Bangladesh.
"Myanmar is not a party to the Rome Statute. The proposed claim for extension of jurisdiction may very well reap serious consequences and exceed the well-enshrined principle that the ICC is a body which operates on behalf of, and with the consent of State Parties which have signed and ratified the Rome Statute," the Myanmar government said in the statement on April 13.