
Letters to the Editor

Stop overworking, start living

Monday, 20 May 2024

Time management at the workplace is very essential. Prioritising tasks effectively, rather than staying late at the office and working till late hours, can prevent burnout among employees. Overworking not only diminishes employees' productivity but also creates an unhealthy work environment.
To prevent overworking from becoming a corporate culture in Bangladesh, companies need to focus on the value of work outcomes provided by employees within regular hours, rather than rewarding the number of extra hours worked. This can be achieved through proper and regular monitoring of employees' performance and contribution.
Work-life balance promotes overall productivity and employees' well-being. Companies must respect the need for work-life boundaries by ensuring regular rest and recreation and allowing employees to tailor their work structure according to their individual lifestyles and priorities.
Allowing flexible work hours, including mental health days, and using emotional intelligence to understand employees' mental state and stressors are crucial to ensuring employees' mental health and sustaining a healthy work environment. In the long run, having a healthy and well-managed workforce will benefit the company on the strength of contribution.

Tasmim Ahmed
Department of Management,
School of Business and Economics,
North South University.