
Letters to the Editor

Stop unnecessary honking

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Dhaka City is grappling with a growing menace – unnecessary honking of motor vehicles. The sound of horns has become an integral part of the city's soundscape, contributing significantly to the rising levels of sound pollution. Unnecessary honking has become a pervasive habit among motorists, transforming the act of alerting others into an incessant and disruptive symphony. The reasons behind this phenomenon vary, from impatience in traffic to expressing frustration or simply following the herd instinct. Sadly, the consequences are far-reaching, impacting both the physical and mental health of city residents.
Sound pollution, a direct by-product of excessive honking, poses serious health risks like increasing stress, hearing impairment and sleep disturbances. Dhaka City, with its fast-growing population and traffic, is particularly vulnerable to these issues. Pedestrians, too, bear the brunt of this auditory assault.
Addressing this concern requires a multifaceted approach, which includes strict enforcement of noise regulations and raising public awareness. Additionally, fostering a culture of responsible driving and encouraging mindfulness among motorists can improve the situation.
Junaid Bin Nesar
Tikatuli, Wari, Dhaka.