
Study time can be absorbing and stimulating

Sunday, 1 July 2007

FE Special
Good study habit is crucial to success of any student. The more learners can make their study habit interesting and delightful, the more they will be inclined to be engaged in studies. Then again, spending good amount of time for studies is not all important. You need to effectively spend your study hour. For effective study hour, bringing rhythm to study habit might be fruitful.
You need to design your daily routine in such a way that you will not do the same type of tasks all day long. You must apply some techniques and that might give you pleasure.
Below are some tips about how you can bring rhythm to your study habit:
Reading and writing, writing and reading: Reading continuously for the whole day or writing continuously for the whole day may bring dullness. Let there be mixture of activities, both reading and writing. Devise your routine in such a way that reading is followed by writing, writing is followed by reading. If you can continue this, it is least likely that you will have any monotonous feeling.
Rewarding yourself for completion of lessons: You need to reward yourself after you have effectively spent study hour. You will surely get excitement in studies in that way. Imagine that you have completed a math exercise within planned one hour, you can now reward yourself by relaxing for ten minutes. You can go the rooftop, or have a walk around, or eat something you like the most. Rewarding yourself with such small things will keep you motivated for further studies.
Completing difficult lessons in the early part of the day: At morning, your mind is fresh and works better. Try to complete the difficult lessons at the beginning of the day. If you are successful, you will feel confident and you will find yourself in a comfortable position after you have completed the difficult tasks of the day. The working flow that you will earn at around 10 or 11 am will inspire you complete the easier lessons easily in later hours of the day.
Reading the most interesting lessons at the beginning of the day: Just in case you haven't studied for long or you do not feel like sitting at the table at morning, you can begin with the easy and interesting lessons. This will help you be attached with study table.
Reading variety of subjects everyday: Before examinations, you can read the same subject for the whole day. But during normal days of the year, you must try to read variety of courses on the same day. As psychologists say, when you are reading the same type of thing, you tend to forget the previous one. So make sure there is a combinations of various types of courses on the same day. This will be helpful for your memory power.
Childhood spirit in life: Last but not the least, if you can follow the above tips, you may get inspiration and excitement of childhood. Remember how much excited you were on exam day when you were very young? Remember how much excited you were when you could write all the letters of the alphabets or could spell a new word? Remember how joyous you were when you did good in the exam? You can easily bring all those childhood feeling today when you are grown up. You will enjoy studies and everything in life!