
TECs asked to follow PPR duly in govt purchases

Syful Islam | Monday, 9 February 2015

The Public Procurement Rules (PPR) is not being properly followed in many government procurements, observed the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU).
Especially, it noted that the Tender Evaluation Committees (TECs) are not following the post-qualification criteria, specified in tender documents appropriately.
Subsequently, CPTU in a recent circular has asked the ministries, departments and all government offices concerned to follow the PPR properly in procurement process.
Referring to the Section 50 of the Public Procurement Act, 2006 the circular said before finalising report the TEC should check whether the responsive bidder has necessary capacity and financial strength to effectively pursue the agreement.
"Recently, it was noticed that the above-mentioned directive is not followed properly in public procurement," mentioned the circular, signed by CPTU director general Faruque Hossain.
He also referred to the Rule 100 of PPR 2008, which has clear mention of criteria for assessment of bidder's post-qualification capacity.
The Rule 100 mentioned that the TEC shall follow the post-qualification criteria specified in the tender document. It should contact the references given by tenderers about their previous working experience to verify, if necessary, statements made by them in their tenders, and obtain the most up-to-date information concerning the tenderers.
The Rule also mentioned that the TEC may visit the tenderer's premises as a part of assessing the post-qualification, if practical and appropriate, to verify information contained in its tender, particularly when evaluating tenders in respect of high value or complex works projects.
"In the event that the tenderer with the lowest evaluated cost fails the post-qualification, the TEC shall make a similar determination for the tenderer offering the next lowest evaluated cost and so on from the remaining responsive tenders."
It also added, "The TEC shall submit the evaluation report along with the findings and award recommendations after having determined through post-qualification whether the tenderer, who submitted the lowest evaluated tender price, has the capability and resources to effectively carry out the contract as offered in its tender."
Mr Hossain in the circular requested the authorities concerned, involved in public procurement, to properly follow the sections and rules concerned while evaluating tender documents.
Contacted, executive director of the Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB) Dr Iftekharuzzaman termed the step as very important for ensuring transparency and accountability in public procurement.
He told the FE on Sunday that the CPTU circular mentioned that the rules are not followed properly in tender evaluation process, which indicates that irregularities are taking place there.
Mr Iftekharuzzaman said steps should be taken to punish the people involved in the irregularities.  
Each and every section and sub-sections of PPR needs to be followed to ensure transparency in public purchase, he added.
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