
Thai Airways offers discount to GP subscribers

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Grameenphone subscribers will enjoy special prices for 70 destinations of five continents on Thai Airways until September 30, 2007. An agreement has been signed between Grameenphone and Thai Airways in this connection recently, said a press release.
Under the agreement, Grameenphone subscribers, whose connections are active for the last 180 days, may avail this discount by sending an SMS writing 333 to the number 9000 at Thai Airway's appointed travel agent's office as well as its own office.
Rubaba Dowla Matin, head of Brands of Commercial Division of Grameenphone, and Kitipong Manityakul, general manager (Bangladesh) of Thai Airways Inter national Public Company Limited, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations. Officials from both the organisations were also present at the signing ceremony.