
The art of cultivating creativity through simple practices

RISANAN NID | Wednesday, 2 October 2024

The debate goes on about whether creativity is supposed to be often a gift, an inborn talent, or an achieved quality. Scientists, anthropologists, and behaviourists are studying relentlessly to find the answer. However, recent studies have proven that creativity is a skill nurtured and developed through practice, just like any other ability.
So, how do we do it? Incorporating creative little chores into our daily lives can sharpen our imagination, improve problem-solving skills, and enhance our overall cognitive abilities. Creative practices such as drawing, solving puzzles, word games, and various other brainstorming activities help boost creativity. Religiously maintaining them will return some impressive qualities.
Nullify that creativity is only confined to artistic endeavours like painting, writing, singing, or dancing. Rather, creativity can appear in the form of problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation. Doesn't matter if you're an artist, employee, engineer, student, entrepreneur or stay-at-home parent, you are allowed to mold your talent as you wish.
Creativity will allow you to approach problems from different angles, devise unique solutions and stay adaptive in ever-changing environments.
There's a scientific backing to it. The more we engage in creative activities, the more neural connections we form. More neural connections lead to divergent thinking. So you become more and more expert in the craft you do, and of course, spend some enjoyable moments.
Drawing to visualize ideas
Drawing is a therapeutic outlet. When we draw, our visual and motor skills stimulate different brain regions. Even simple doodling or sketching helps us visualize abstract concepts. Our mental images can be transformed into physical shapes, and we can express ideas that are difficult to put into words.
Drawing daily, even briefly, enhances visual thinking and calms the mind after a day of stress. Tasnim Meem is a school teacher by profession and an artist by heart. She said, "I don't even worry about being creative. I just draw to express myself. Life is uncertain, but painting assures my mind. I just want to express my thoughts and myself; I have to come up with new ideas sometimes. Drawing heals me. It's like I'm in a new world when I draw."
Practising art trains the mind to form connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, making connecting the dots easier than ever.
Solving puzzles to strengthen problem-solving skills
Whether it's a jigsaw puzzle, Sudoku, or a Rubik's Cube, each requires critical thinking, patience, and strategy. Puzzles are fun to solve. You get to stimulate the brain's problem-solving areas with fun. You get to train your brain to focus on the big picture. There have been several studies on the benefits of puzzles and brain health, most notably the MacArthur Study. It states that those who play with jigsaw puzzles have a better quality of life and longer life expectancy. Studies have also found that they reduce the chances of developing mental illnesses such as memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.
You can solve a Rubik's cube in your free time. This will improve your ability to see patterns, think critically, and approach problems from different angles. This practice boosts cognitive function and strengthens creativity in tackling everyday challenges.
Word games for linguistic intellect
Scrabble, crossword puzzles, and word searches are great for boosting creativity in language and communication. These are so addictive. This is a good way to tackle linguistic and analytical drawbacks as you form new words from limited options.
Playing word games regularly enhances cognitive flexibility. Cognitive flexibility best describes the ability to switch between thinking about two or multiple concepts simultaneously. This quality is much needed in the adult hustle world.
Indulging imagination
Structured activities like puzzles and games can surely sharpen creativity. But imaginative play is just as crucial. It has to be said that imagination is at the core of creativity. To envision possibilities that don't yet exist, think outside the box, explore "what if" scenarios, and venture beyond the boundaries of reality.
Children are naturally imaginative. We should not let their imaginary world get ruined by the crushing reality. Also, as adults, we should reconnect with our innate sense of wonder. Having an imaginative mind will guide us to the daunting future. How do we gain our inner child back?
The answer is in activities like role-playing, storytelling, or simply letting the mind wander during walks. This way we can unlock creative potential. Allowing ourselves to dream and imagine, we open up a mental space where creativity can thrive. We should at least do it once a day.
It doesn't require drastic changes. Small, consistent actions can build momentum over time. Set aside time each day for a creative activity you enjoy. Keep a journal where you jot down interesting thoughts, ideas, or doodles. It doesn't have to be perfect. The motto is to enjoy the process and exercise your brain cells now and then.
Meditation for creativity
Imagine the mind as a lake and everyday thoughts as pebbles tossed into the water. More thoughts make more ripples, and before we know it, the lake has lost its calmness. Beneath the waves-in the depths-are where our creative thoughts lie. But it's more difficult for them to stir and rise because of all the turbulence and noise on the surface.
If we meditate regularly, we can calm the mind to create the stillness and clarity that then allows us to access our creative inspiration, giving it the space it needs to float to the top. That's precisely why our most creative thoughts often surface as we drift off to sleep, during a walk, or in the middle of a shower. Our preoccupation with the day's stresses or the busyness of the mind drops away when we unwind and relax, creating the conditions for creativity to flourish.
Finally, challenge yourself. Can you find a different way to organize your workspace? Can you solve a daily problem using a method you've never tried before? Viewing everyday situations uniquely encourages the brain to think more flexibly and inventively.

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