Transfer of government primary school teachers
Monday, 29 April 2019
A Bangla daily reports that the transfer process of government primary schools is complex and recent transfer orders were not transparent. Those who were able to satisfy brokers with money, were transferred to the areas/schools they wanted.
Though seniors should be given priority, there are cases where juniors were transferred overtaking seniors. In many cases of transfer decisions by the government agency, family needs of teachers were not considered.
We urge the authority to consider seniority and family needs, and to make the transfer process transparent. Also, we want online transfer process. The whole thing can be done using a computer software. The government is already considering such a system for transfer of teachers of private institutions under the Monthly Pay Order (MPO) scheme.
Current system of transfer application files moving from one office to another should not be there since it really consumes time and money of teachers for which they often have to take leave from their schools. Frequent leave of teachers, who try for transfer month after month, affects the learning pace of youngsters.
Hosne Ara
Dhanmondi, Dhaka