
Transport research institute for improving safety and green energy rating

Md Shamsul Arefin | Saturday, 22 March 2014

The emergence of new modes of transports over the last few years has sparked controversy on safety ground and energy issues as well as environmental pollution concerns. Mainly, these new modes are batter-run, Easy Bike/Battery-run-rickshaws and jerry-built modes like Nosimon-Korimon on which the government has imposed ban or restriction; but none could not recommend alternative modes nor could suggest necessary rectifications/modifications on these modes. This has de facto made the government's decision being void, thus only leading to breeding further corruptions. Therefore, special attention needs to be focused on these disputed modes to legalise them through necessary rectification/modification because they have emerged as one of the favourite modes. Moreover, apart from these disputed modes, modernisations of some recognised modes are also extremely necessary; for example, rickshaw, the most prevalent mode is no longer a safe transport. Therefore, re-evaluation of such permitted modes is also necessary and retrofitting works are essential to make them road worthy. Furthermore, air pollution associated with vehicular traffic is a very concerning issue. Thus selection of most suitable green energy sources has now become an imperative issue.
In order to improve air quality, the emission standards need to be specified like many other countries as they have already legislated low-carbon fuel standards, because the extent of air pollution varies among different modes and type of fuel uses. For example, diesel-run vehicles are generally more harmful. Several countries have already started taking measures against diesel-run vehicles to improve air quality. the Hong Kong government has offered incentive package to the tune of US$1.521 billion to force 85,000 polluting diesel commercial vehicles off the road by 2020. The very recently concluded global survey revealed that the air quality of Bangladesh is the worst among the participant countries. We therefore, should start taking measures for improving air quality without further delay. Against this backdrop, the best way to overcome such precarious situations is to setting up of transport research institute with necessary laboratory facilities for realising effective guidance and techniques related to road traffic modes in terms of improving safety and green energy issues. The effective guidance has immense importance, for example, the battery-run rickshaws might outnumber the ordinary rickshaws in the near future if proper guidance on alternative energy sources or technology is not provided; not to speak of air pollutions being induced by other modes.
The most important issue on establishing the transport research institute is setting up of a very effective and fruitful organisation. Therefore, the modus operandi of this institution would preferably be different - it would accomplish specific task and objective oriented assignments with project based work. On successful completion of assignment, the evaluation of individual professional's performance would be done, not only based on the current assignments, but also on their suitability and appropriateness for the next assignments. Thus, it is envisaged that the new modus operandi would yield officious output. Moreover, it is expected that such new procedure would satisfy and attract donors and hence their financial and technical assistances also. Although, useful and efficient permanent setup is very much necessary for evaluating the most suitable one from ever changing vehicle technologies based on our need and environment.
The transport strategy must envisage several objectives, such as; safe, energy-efficient, space-efficient, employment generating, and appropriate and affordable green energy sources. For lightweight public-transports, the potentiality of pedal-power driven dynamo/generator could be explored to generate electricity to run these modes.
Moreover, standards and specifications need to be setup on various features on approved modes also; for example, the seating height of rickshaw is too high and risky, especially for old and infants; because if they fall from seat, they might sustain serious injuries. Once, the government had imposed ban on bumper following an accident; bumper is necessary but that must be safe for other modes considering all aspects. Therefore, safe and different configurations of bumpers might be necessary for different modes.
Alternative options or necessary modification/rectification are essential for banned or restricted modes. In these cases, apart from safety concern, the energy sources are also worrying issue. Recommendation of safe design and specification are comparatively easier task than realising recommended energy sources into practicality. For example, electricity is by far the best green energy source but its supply has utterly failed to cope with burgeoning demand even for more important sectors; without mentioning cater to the need of transport modes. However, the exploration for utilising this source could be done using human muscle power; for example, pedal-power driven dynamo/generator can produce electricity, therefore looking into the opportunities on how best this could be utilised as energy source for lightweight transports. If required, more than one person could be employed to generate required electricity to run the banned or restricted vehicles like Easy-bike or Nosimon (after necessary modification on safety features). If this could successfully be implemented, then it would be a breakthrough achievement that would not only solve the impasse but also improve air quality; besides, creating more job opportunity from such modes.
The writer is traffic cum road safety engineer. email [email protected]