
Tuition as a source of income

Sunday, 8 July 2007

MAN does not know the time exactly when tuition as a job began but can only point finger to a hoary past where its root lies. Aristotle was the tutor of a great hero Alexander in a Greek city state. What Alexander could give to world is a disputed question but Aristotle and his job was prestigious from that time. The whole system of education was based on this process until university emerged. Any curious reader can find trail of tuition in Greek plays and even in the Victorian novel like Jane Eyre.
The modern day's tuition in our country has slipped out from that tradition. Still this system has not died down rather took new form of earning money in the guise of imparting knowledge. Much brisk business is going on in the name of coaching as applied product of tuition. However, private tuition gained a soft corner in our country because of our socio-economic conditions where education is a challenge for its expenditure and a good student is loved by all. If you are a good student, you can earn handsome money. You may earn 1500-4000 without much labor. There is no statistics of money earned in this sector but it will be more than several crores. This is now a job, though informal. Hence it is flourishing day by day creating chances for all students .
Emu, a residential student of Shamsunhaher Hall, sees tuition as very common. She believes tuition can be a suitable means for poverty stricken meritorious girls. It will not only solve monetary problem but will make a platform for women empowerment. If there is a trust-worthy institution for managing tuition, it will go a long way for poor students specially for the girls, Emu thinks.
Mahim, a student of Sociology of Dhaka University said that tuition is essential for him because money is the agent to materialize his wishes. "You all can not expect from parents. I have been practicing tuition since first year and it is helping me a lot to build my career," he said. He also said that we need money for going to the theatre or buying picnic in addition to buying books.
Raka, a fourth year honours student who lives in residential area in Dhaka gave a good account of her experience. She said that she never faced any bad situation rather tuition is pleasant and ' a kind of a free job'. But she apprehended for weather forecast as it is one's responsibility to travel to the students defying rain and storm.
However, tuition cannot be called positive always. Some students express wary comments on it. Rasel is such a student of Suryasen Hall who spoke against tuition .He says that it is mortifying for personality because all guardians look upon the tutor as the needy boy . Some sons and daughters of aristocratic family address the tutor as 'teacher' instead of 'sir' or 'madam'. He also condemned elctronic media for bad presentation of tutors in television plays where tutor is shown as lover or hungry for refreshment and what not. Suppose, if a servant of house having seen these things in TV dramas makes a fun with tutors, it will not be a soothing memory for a teacher.
Atiqullah, a student of Islamic History of Dhaka University, left a deep sigh not for managing tuition because guardians disliked his subject. He emphasized that a student of DU, irrespective of any subject he or she is studying, is capable to teach students. But all guardians showed interest for those studying English. For this reason we are not getting tuition and some students making fake identity card introducing themselves as tutor who is studying subjects of guardians' choice," he commented.
This complaint gained a ground from a guardian named Mortoza Ahmed of Kakrail. He shared his bad experience saying that once a tutor introduced himself as a student of Dhaka University. Later he discovered that he is not a student of Dhaka University and not of required subject. So Mortoza did not continue with the tutor.
It is open secret that some unqualified students make fake identity card for cheating guardians. They are mostly honors college students of Dhaka. However, a housewife from DOHS of Mohakhali lauded the tutors. She said as she could not look after her sons, if a tutor helps, it is no doubt a great help. She confidently said that still she did not find lack of morality in tutors.
Golam Gaus Al-Quaderi, a teacher of English department at Dhaka University expressed his mixed feeling about tuition. He said if it is necessary for poverty, then tuition is appreciable but if it is for earning quick buck it is objectionable. He adds some students of English department miss classes to attend tuitions. So in this perspective it is not good.
Some tuition providing houses, popularly knows as 'media', play dupe with students in the name of giving tuition. Some tuition seekers got stuck in trap set by these 'media'. They realize money from the student giving receipt and the student runs after them all the year. this creates sometimes skirmishes among them. Even some media play false with guardian sending disqualified teachers. It will be better if there is good communication between guardians and tutors before joining there.
Tuition is not only the source of income for the non affluent meritorious students. tutors of relatively well-off background also gain from the same. So the sniggering comments should be stopped against the tutors .
Mujahid is a student of English literature at Dhaka University