TV talk shows
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Now-a-days, especially after the launching of the private TV channels and their being popular, I have developed a keen interest in the talk shows that are there in most channels. Sometimes I remain awake till late night to watch and listen to these popular interactive programmes where the discussants often talk about current socio-political and economic issues. It makes me feel good that we, the viewers, can also be connected with the moderator and the discussants through phone, email or Facebook; we can ask questions or put comments live.
The other day while I was watching a talk show, I found that the guests were rather withdrawn; they were not looking at the speaker. Maybe they were thinking what they would say when their turn would come; or maybe, they were not at one with the speaker and did not bother to look at him.
Courtesy demands that one should not look away while someone is talking. When other discussants and the moderator look at the speaker and with rapt attention-no matter whether they agree or disagree with the speaker-- we, the viewers, sitting in front of television feel inspired to listen and take part in the discussion. We would like to see other panellists showing respect to the person who is speaking. The speaker will also feel good to share opinion on whatever subject he is speaking on. In this way, the talk shows can be more made enjoyable and useful.
A B Siddik
Rasulpur, Pirganj, Rangpur