
UN to help Bangladesh in achieving dev goals

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

The United Nations (UN) will extend every possible support to Bangladesh to achieve its development goals as the county has a special place at the UN system.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon made the observation while Bangladesh's new Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Ismat Jahan presented her credentials to him Tuesday morning, according to a message received in Dhaka, reports UNB.
Praising the country's role in UN peacekeeping operations, the UN Secretary General said Bangladesh has a special place at the UN system.
He also appreciated Bangladesh's role in the ongoing reform initiatives of the UN, including the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
Ambassador Ismat Jahan reaffirmed Bangladesh's strong commitment to the goals and objectives of the UN Charters and to various UN initiatives and programmes for global peace, security and development.
She emphasised the active participation of Bangladesh in the UN Peacekeeping Operations as one of the leading troop contributing countries (TCC).
"As member of the Least Development Countries (LDCs)", she said, "Bangla-desh takes special interest in matters relating to this group of countries."
She assured the UN Secretary General of Bangladesh's strong commitment to a wide range of UN issues like development, environment, good governance, human rights and humanitarian programmes.
As the new envoy of Bangladesh, she particularly expressed her desire to uphold Bangladesh's pro-active role in the UN and sought the Secretary General's cooperation in this connection.
Ban Ki-Moon recalled his visits to Dhaka as a young diplomat soon after Bangla-desh's independence and expressed his desire to visit Dhaka again at a convenient time to express his solidarity with Bangladesh against the adverse effects of climate change.
Among others, UN Under-Secretary-General for Mana-gement Alicia Barcena Ibarra, Bangladesh Deputy Perma-nent Representative Muham-mad Ali Sarcar and Defence Adviser Brigadier General Iliyas Iftekhar Rasul were also present on the occasion.